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Tree structure in a sentence

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Sentence count:49Posted:2021-06-16Updated:2021-06-16
Similar words: restructureframe structuresimple structurenested structurephrase structurelattice structuresurface structuresentence structure
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1 Tree structures can be balanced or unbalanced.
2 Using the binary tree structure, a successful search is when a node in the tree is reached containing the candidate string.
3 Menu with full tree structure, show the accounts information.
4 Adopting hierarchy and tree structure,[] the model is expansible.
5 The branches in a tree structure are not connected.
6 Evaluation function used the method of tree structure, which could be easily achieved.
7 Dark studio code tree structure, you can directly use, simple interface.
8 Among the known uses of the pattern suggested by Prof Ortega are "Tree structure operations like search trees, where a search process is created for each node."
9 In this paper, binary tree structure substitutes for linked list structure used in traditional IDS, aiming to better storage of rules and improve pattern matching so as to speed intrusion detection.
10 Give the tree structure for the following German sentence, and show the movements that take place.
11 A range image segmentation algorithm based on tree structure ellipse cluster split is proposed.
12 According to the tree structure, the hypercube is formed hierarchically.
13 This paper presents the tree structure of the solution set for logic partitioning problem and some matrix inequalities relating to the total amount of pins.
14 Then a kind of GA based on tree structure is reviewed.
15 When Hacktool. Ace is in the Web tree structure of a system that runs a Web server, which supports ASP processing, an attacker can connect remotely using a predetermined password.
16 The resulting tree structure is at best an approximation of what the original page author intended and at worst something completely different.
17 PageWalker is a recursive or to substituting pages Asp. Net Control tree structure.
18 Note the inclusive nature of the event groups, as indicated the tree structure the diagrams.
19 A new scheme based on an indexed tree was proposed to realize the dynamic access control among the multimembers in the hierarchical firewall system, because it features a tree structure.
20 SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 users may now open or import models by using a standard Open File window that displays the SAS Metadata Folders tree structure by default.
21 Based on batch group rekeying and group members behavior, propose a new method:probabilistic organization of the key tree, combining star structure and tree structure.
22 Secondly, cascading two one-dimensional LP-NPR filter banks in the form of tree structure and using the unimodular transformation, a two dimensional nonseparable LP-NPR filter banks can be obtained.
23 A cyclic object graph cannot be transformed into a tree structure.
24 A heuristic approach to container loading of rectangular objects by using ternary tree structure to represent the packing space is proposed.
25 In the network model, Nodes change between the three roles: root node, branch node and leaf node, to organize and maintain the network tree structure.
26 AXIOM provides a virtual document model it expands on demand, building only as much of the tree structure document model representation as has been requested by the client application.
27 In data structures, the node at the end of a path in a tree structure.
28 Vittorio Murino puts forward three algorithms based on the combination of neural network and tree structure.
29 That latter form creates an Implicit Document Node (IDN) in 2.0, which is one form of the new temporary tree structure.
30 About three seconds before the quake, Mandara (a gorilla) let out a shriek and collected her baby, Kibibi, and moved to the top of the tree structure as well.
More similar words: restructureframe structuresimple structurenested structurephrase structurelattice structuresurface structuresentence structuresyllable structurelanguage structurecrystalline structurelarge-scale structurestructurearchitectural structurestructuredsubstructurenatural structuresuperstructureunstructuredcell structuredata structurebody structurestructurelessword structurecost structuremicrostructuresound structureinfrastructuremacro-structuremacrostructure
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